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Media releases

The main focus must be on energy security

Alpiq takes note of the Federal Council's decision. Coupled with the parliamentary motions submitted and the people's initiatives which have been…

Start of construction on Splügen small hydroelectric station

On 9 May 2011, Kraftwerk Tambobach AG and invited guests celebrated the symbolic start of construction on Splügen small hydroelectric power station…

Slow start to 2011 for Alpiq

For Alpiq Holding Ltd., the start to fiscal 2011 was less than satisfactory: In the first quarter of 2011, net revenue was 7 percent lower than the…

Inauguration of construction work on the new unit for the Alpiq power plant in Kladno

Alpiq's Kladno power plant - Alpiq Generation (CZ) – is to be equipped with a new 135-Megawatt block unit. Construction work was symbolically…

Investments, debt reduction and a new strategy

Alpiq Holding Ltd. held its third Ordinary General Meeting in Olten on 28 April 2011. The 665 shareholders attending the meeting, which was held in…

Alpiq supports the 2011 Montreux Jazz Festival

For the second time in a row, Alpiq is the official partner of the Montreux Jazz Festival. The Swiss energy services provider will be providing…

Work begins on new power plant in Veytaux

Forces Motrices Hongrin-Léman SA (FMHL) this morning began construction work on the new power plant in Veytaux at a foundation stone-laying ceremony…

Alpiq publishes 2010 Annual Report

Alpiq acquires first gas-fired combined-cycle power station in Spain

On 1 April 2011, Alpiq acquired one of two 400-Megawatt units belonging to the Plana del Vent gas-fired combined-cycle power station in Spain. The…

Alpiq condemns packet bomb attack in Olten